Here’s how smart Einstein was — he understood all too well the public’s obsession with him, our obsession with celebrity and special-ness. He knew that if given the chance, scientists would pour over his brain’s neurons and glia, sulci and gyri, and make grand pronouncements about what makes a genius. And he knew it would be bullshit.
—Virginia Hughes
Recently, fate brought writings of M. Scott Peck to my attention on this timeless mission to prevent species extinction. Thoughts on love in his bestselling book from 1987, The Road Less Traveled; A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth compel notes here.
Doctors embracing spirituality seems to be an increasing cultural event. Peck is probably not the first psycho-therapist to combine a sense of spirituality in his work with patients. He is probably first to share his thoughts on the subject in a concise entertaining book that lifts humanity up on the evolutionary ladder. That is not to say that his every word is gospel. I have some disagreements on his thoughts of love and will discuss them fully in my future book covering the heterosexual magic taking place in love and sexual love.
Peck echoes sentiments here when writing that many dimensions of love are not covered completely in his book simply because they are difficult to understand. He intimates that the best people for the job of explaining love, “are those among the religious who are students of Mystery.” Well, he is at least close to solving the conundrum of love. Rather like the father of psychiatry, Sigmund Freud, Peck is not perfect but still pioneering providing a starting point from which others can follow and expand.
Falling in love in itself is not always love. Falling in love only requires actions by one person. Further, often falling in love is actually infatuation or fascination. However, to say that the sensation of falling in love does not last is incorrect. Even one-sided love can be forever as fans love Elvis and Marylin Monroe. Falling in love sensations may not last for most people but some lovebirds fall in love and remain in love forever.
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Mlieva Maric, Einstein's first wife, 1875-1948 |
Love embraced the wonderful mind of Albert Einstein in 1897 when first meeting his future wife, Mileva Maric. Earth goddess and brilliant physicist herself, they met attending Zurich Polytechnic School in Switzerland. Although the marriage would last some twenty years, they were actually separated in 1904. Einstein love letters speaks of great passion for Mileva and offers a telltale clue to a discerning spiritual mind regarding the cosmic source of his most brilliant discovery.
When I’m not with you I feel as if I’m not whole. When I sit, I want to walk; when I walk, I’m looking forward to going home; when I’m amusing myself, I want to study; when I study, I can’t sit still and concentrate; and when I go to sleep, I’m not satisfied with how I spent the day.
…tender kisses from your
There is a metaphysical phenomena taking place between men and women powered by love. I call this phenomena, Cosmic Transference; The Heterosexual Nexus and posit it as the spark behind visions and enlightenment events of several notable men, famous and infamous. This revelation was born from two different enlightenment events of my own. As a Poet of some note and other factors, I have experienced perhaps more than my share of love from women in a modest lifetime. Such experience has not been lost upon a philosophical mind. While my experiences were not all about sexual love, there is often a sexual specter floating between the sexes in all relationships to some degree. Some might call it "sexual tension." After comprehending dynamics of spiritual enlightenment and reveling in awareness it brings, I must say sexual tension between the sexes appears to be elemental to species ascension.
Heterosexual love is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature.
—Camille Paglia
Clearly, I am not the first to acknowledge cosmic sparks generated by heterosexual love. I do appear to be the first person to give it a name and expand on the concept.
Cosmic transference, I believe also takes place between parent and child explaining the divine source of great achievements from Ayn Rand and Nikolai Tesla. How it affects adult women is still unclear at this point. There seems to be no ostensible example today perhaps because of the current stagnant paradigm. More research and contemplation are needed on the matter and at least one book. As these revelations remain new even to the messenger, our discussion here concerns the cosmic phenomena as it applies only to adults.
Science wishes to quantify love. Shallow skeptics break love down to brain chemicals and electrical impulses firing across synapses in a way that meets their limited ability to test the untestable. Science wishes to master the universe not through a sense of love but senses fueled by competition, careless exploitation, greed, and egomania. Most scientists do not seek to explore but to justify ___________ (fill in the blank).
As a scientist, Einstein knew all too well the growing menace within his profession of what some call "scientism" and referred to lovingly here as, Dr. Frankenstein. Normal doctors and scientists suffering from delusions of godhood are becoming indistinguishable. Einstein was quite aware of problems plaguing science and his stardom. To that end, he left written instructions on what he wished to be done with his remains after death. Einstein wanted to be cremated and have ashes scattered in different places. Such wishes were in place for good reasons. Our father of relativity knew unscrupulously low levels that some men would stoop to on either side of society to own a piece of his DNA or brain.
I define evil, then, as the exercise of optical power—that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion—in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is nonlove; evil is antilove.
—M. Scott Peck, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein's brain was removed and stolen by the pathologist on duty at the time of his death in 1955, Thomas Harvey. Concerned associates believe Harvey was allowed to keep his prize through strong-arm blackmail of Einstein's son. Harvey promised to use the famous disembodied brain for scientific research only.
Let us rephrase reasons why some scientists wanted Einstein's brain. They wanted to find a shortcut to genius and capitalize on the discovery. They wanted to synthesize their hoped for discovery and mass produce it achieving fame and fortune. Science did indeed discover differences in the great Einstein brain from the rest of us. However, a simple review of their study finds that controls were few. In some cases data was actually faked simply to suggest that Einstein possessed an extraordinary brain on a biological level. Were the discoveries true, someone would have been forever enriched with research grants and notoriety.
There was a personal cost, in that Einstein’s family was essentially strong-armed into agreeing to participate in research that Einstein explicitly did not want to participate in. And there was a public cost, too. In popular-press accounts of these studies over the years, the public was misled about the findings and their supposed scientific value.
—Virginia Hughes
Understanding love and sexual love should be sought in wisdom of philosophers, poets, and prostitutes. Think on such revelation for a while and it may lead one to understand why our world is today so loveless moving towards perversion. The propagation of love has thus far been in the wrong hands. Science marginalizes the metaphysical nature of love like they have done to women in general. You cannot dissect love in a laboratory forcing it to yield to exploitation and a biased narrative. That is why love is never opined as the source of inspiration for the greatest achievement of Einstein and other great men. Spiritual impotence could never validate such a theorem lacking aptitude for the Herculean labor. Collecting and faking data is easy. Accepting and searching through your soul is not for pretentious minds nor the faint of heart.
Recently, on the popular cable TV series, Ancient Aliens, the theory was put forth that both Einstein and Tesla may have been helped by extraterrestrials. While wild rhetorical questions are good for TV ratings, it marginalizes the spirit of humanity as well as being short-sighted. Love is paradoxical. Like spirituality, love is mystical, invigorating, difficult, seemingly never-ending in variance and humbling. It seems certain that humanity gets help from extraterrestrials from time to time in the history of the planet. However, aliens cannot think for us.
We are tasked here with thinking, loving, always ascending becoming as incomprehensible gods and goddesses. Our mission encompasses lifetimes to complete and metaphysical phenomena embedded in love and sexual love are absolute keys. Science at some point must forge a friendlier relationship with disciplines far better equipped to explore key components of human existence.
The Tragic Story of How Einstein's Brain was Stolen
Mileva Einstein-Maric
Albert Einstein's Love Letters
Mileva Maric- Wikimedia
Happy Valentines Day
Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson by Camille Paglia
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