Ancient history produces a list of cultures that have disappeared leaving no trace of whereabouts. Famously, some of those lost cultures included the Maya, Olmec, and Anasazi. That it should happen on a much larger scale in the near future would give contemporary society mythology some scholars believe is needed in culture for several reasons. Mythology in common would unite us. One therefore believes purification called for in awareness depths of raging fire shall not be new to the planet. If you woke up one day to discover half the world population mysteriously missing, would that be mythic?
Warrior words fired into the quantum field were vengeful. Words can be counteracted should cultural events call for leniency. Changes in our world are indeed occurring at a speed never imagined. Peace between North and South Korea; the FBI and DOJ are exposed as corrupt to the point of perversion; an African-American uprising among liberal Democrats led by rapper, Kanye West and political pundit, Candace Owens; Americans are driven away from the Idiot Box by horrid hypocrisy; law enforcement closing in on child sex-trafficking elite satanic pedophiles arresting Smallville star, Allison Mack and many others. Puppet masters and their feral sheep intent upon driving this world to extinction continue in dark desperation while their world crumbles all around them. Humanity is winning big time!
America should remember weeks before the presidential election in this spider-web of interconnected blogs being challenged to imagine having a U.S. President who spoke his mind and no more pretense. How does your world feel now? Does the American atmosphere feel revolutionary? President Donald J. Trump arrives blessed by the divine feminine sent to prepare a dying world for evolutionary revelations here. Epic transformations of humanity have begun.
Specifically, the world seems to be coming to an unmerciful end for the left or liberal ideology. Their strategy of #obstruct and #resist serves to awaken and liberate America even more from status-quo programming.
Many homosexuals hide their sexuality from parents and friends still today in America because the stigma remains no matter the legalization of same-sex marriage. Suicide rates among homosexuals is much higher than heterosexuals. Transgender suicide rates are eight times higher than homosexuals. Homosexuality is not natural and just dealing with sexual urges counter-intuitive to species survival on a personal level cannot be easy. We know homosexuality is outlawed under threat of death in several nations. Imagine if you can being a homosexual in such places. It is one matter to hide your true self in an effort to avoid teasing or disappointing parents. Imagine having to hide your true self under penalty of death.If you can imagine the stressful plight of homosexuals coping with desires counter-intuitive to species survival and hiding under a death penalty, then you can imagine further. What if benevolent highly advanced extraterrestrials came and offered you a better life on their planet? Other homosexuals and indeed all peoples around the world would be invited, so you would not be going alone. Would you take their offer? Would you choose an unknown life where you are loved? Or, would you continue to live hiding true sexuality under stigma and death penalties?
"Involution, or the natural law of death of a pre-existing structure, must proceed evolution. The death of the old behavioral patterns, or pre-existing form must occur before evolution, or change, can occur."
-Deva Green, Evolutionary Astrology; Pluto and Your Karmic Mission
Being human is not easy. Being human is considerably more difficult under a malevolent parasitic government and perverted culture it produces celebrating monsters and prey. Salvation awaits movement forward into bold reality free from ignorant malevolence. We call to the best on the road to utopia, quality over quantity and such direction exalts human spirit where day to day living becomes easier.
Politicians in general and liberal politicians in particular care only about making themselves look like saviors. They do not care about the planet or her people in so far as parasitic desires guide them. Tightening down all borders to decrease entry of philosophical virus must be recognized as the first safeguard. We do not need more philosophical virus in America when we have our own viruses to contend with, thank you very much. Of late, Canada and the United Kingdom do not look like trusted allies both choking under neoliberalism. Alas, Germany and Japan appear past the point of no return regarding reproduction and cultural extinction. A government that cared about their citizens would be wise to study such ideology responsible for failing cultures and prevent remnants from contaminating their nation just as they would do in dealing with an actual virus.Politicians proliferate and profit in a world often using pretense as currency. Pretense as philosophy allows monsters to hide in plain sight. (See; Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein) It normalizes mental illness creating a creepy loveless world. Death of this old world championing human predators and prey must occur before we can move forward to utopia. Transformations shall be devastating for some and exhilarating for others. How dark the opposition wants to make the transition is a key question. Desperation stoops lower and lower so far weaponizing their children, coordinating mass border invasion, increasing censorship on social networks, and facilitating massacres in public schools.
The right, conservatives for the most part will have to contend with life and death issues delivered here as well at some point after the Trump dynasty. To be reborn, one first must die. This paradox of good news bad news continues. What kills the species hides in government. While not as deplorable as Democrats, the GOP must at some point follow their friends into long-waiting tar pits. Quality life and ascension now tips the balance scales of existence.
We get closer to publishing energy already triangulating the planet vibrating liberating souls and burning hearts changing the future forevermore. Book one has been professionally edited with a slightly revised title. It is not, Dawning of the Matriarch Society: How the Extinction Rule was Broken weighing heavy on a timeless soul today. Book two materializes as poetry chapbook and although a fraction of the pages in comparison to her non-fiction companion, it was easily more spiritually exhausting. Drafted into service by each word imagined called to answer tiny tears, existential repercussions may connect tormented souls to infinity or until such love knows justice. Still, not quite able to explain empathic emotions twisting this sacred journey into perhaps new dimensions and being haunted by my own words. This is where an instruction manual would have eased matters significantly, but then chaos would not have her entertainment. Suffering seems more than just occupational hazard here on the edge of time.
Passions written into the quantum field of dreams can be neutralized. We can undo what we have done. Leniency seems not to be indicated here and there is that last hope thing for those people living under death penalties. Love in one hand, retribution in the other and nothing but naked pretense standing between Lords of Sagittarius and delivering mythic prophecy. So then, we come to another point of no return and lines being drawn in the sand separating many of us here in America and around the world were foreseen.Who thought the last renaissance would be easy? Worlds wait to be born, waiting for humanity to get a clue joining the universe as sentient spiritually powerful beings. Free will could be the final frontier. Choose life.
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Coming 9.20.18 |
Pinterest Life or Death artwork by unknown Russians, I think